This page showcases the most intriguing artworks from the "Accessories People of the Sun" project, which falls under the main art direction "Mystery of the Sun" by Yuliya Alagir. The project began in 2003 and continues to this day. Each piece in the collection not only serves as an adornment but also carries a sacred meaning, telling a story. The symbols, akin to artifacts, convey the spirit of ancient cultures and beliefs, starting from the Paleolithic era and the Archaic period. Yuliya Alagir interprets the significance of ancient symbolism for contemporary individuals through her unique vision. In ancient Archaic societies, for instance, shamans used similar artifacts to connect with the spiritual world, seeking wisdom and protection. These items assisted in addressing everyday challenges, transmitting significant symbols. Yuliya Alagir's collection reveals ancient beliefs, illustrating how achieving goals is possible through the development of personal qualities, acquiring protection, and attracting prosperity to enhance one's life. Her pieces, resembling amulets and talismans, symbolize the quest for harmony and prosperity, reminding us of traditions that helped people find their place in the world.